MLM Recruiting

How to Create Network Marketing Team Names for Your MLM Business

Apr 15, 2022

If you’re planning to join an MLM business or even launch your own MLM company in the near future, then you’re going to need team names that your prospects can easily remember.

It’s not just about getting an awesome name. It’s also about making sure that your team members will all feel like part of a family.

In this article, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating network marketing team names.

Which Team Names Work for Your Business?

I’ve noticed that lots of people tend to name their teams "Team" or "Builders."

That’s actually fine. It’s just what most of us do.

But you might want to think a little bit about your business and your team names.

You might thinking of writing down all of your potential team names. ...but first, read this whole guide first to avoid some common mistakes.

Team Names in Businesses Start With T.E.A.M.

I don't mean the word "team".

I'm talking about:

T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Achieves More

If you already have a team, start braining storming with them. Allow them feel that their part of the creation of the team.

Consider Your Mission and Vision Statement

Team names need to align with your business vision.

Your team should reflect your business' mission.

Let's say you own a clothing company called Bizzaro Clothing.

While these are clothing names, you can learn from this example:

  • Bizarro Clothing
  • Bizarro Clothing Company
  • Bizzaro Clothing
  • Bizarro Biz

How do these sound?

Which ones sound like a clothing company?

Which ones sound like an apparel company?

Which ones are most likely to be confused with someone else?

How about this one?

"Bizzaro Apparel"

It sounds like a clothing company.

It’s also unique.

However, do any of these sound like "team" names?

Brainstorm ideas to connect your mission and/or vision to your team. This isn't a requirement, but just another idea.

Team Names Should Not Be Too Long

Here’s a quick tip on how to make sure that your MLM company’s team name isn’t too long.

If your company has 100 new employees, don’t use names like:

>>Name of Company<< Awesome Starter Team

You need something catchy that represents your team’s unique personality.

Shorter names are easier to share, and thus more likely to get seen by other people.

Try Not To Use Abbreviations for the Main Name

When it comes to naming your team members, it’s best to avoid using abbreviations.


Because people may assume that these abbreviations stand for something.

For example, let’s say your team is named “Wes & Co”.

Some people might assume that “Wes” stands for Wes Anderson.

This is a pretty weak assumption.

The fact is, a Google search for “wes anderson MLM” returns zero results.

Similarly, people search for “wesco”.

“Wes and Co” is not the same as “Wesco”.

This is why you want to avoid using abbreviations in your team names.

However, you can have a non-abbreviated name, and then use your abbreviation to reinforce your brand name.

For Amazon, the divisions in Amazon’s engineering team are related to the work they do.

For example, one team is working on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Another team is working on Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancing (ELB).

Get the picture?

Go through Amazon Web Services (AWS) and you'll see how they do it.

Keep away from trademarks

If you’re a small company, you might thinking of using your company name in your team names.

Makes sense right? It's because your team name is a more permanent part of your brand.

So the name has to be unique.

For example, let’s say that your company is named “Shoes of Water”.

You can choose something like “Shoes of Water Network” or “Shoes of Water Team Builders”

The larger issue is that it might go against your company's trademark terms.

If you do that, you might get a cease and desist letter. 

Keep Your Name Short

I love team names that are simple, but also have a strong sense of urgency.

For example, here's an example of a team name.

Undercover MLM

You can see it as a title.

You can see it in the URL.

And it’s a huge part of the team's identity.

This isn’t the only way to attract new members.

Attraction is a key factor in any business.

But I want to focus on making it clear that your business has something to offer.

In fact, here’s another example of a stronger team name:

Pampered Chef: Cooking For Success

Create a Memorable Team Name

It’s a little confusing for people to have to think about how to remember a bunch of stuff.

In fact, I think it would be confusing to people.

In fact, the last thing that we want to do is make it look like we’re in a pyramid scheme.

Pyramid schemes suck.

Avoid using numbers or symbols in your team names

It’s also a good idea to avoid using numbers or symbols in your team names.


People tend to assume that these terms stand for something.

For example, let’s say that you have a team of 4 people.

In this case, you could create the following team names:

  • 4-person team
  • Team of 4 people
  • Team 4
  • Gang of Four

It’s a bit silly to use “Team of 4 people”.

But people tend to assume that the number 4 stands for something. Don't make people guess and waste their brain energy.

Don't Settle for Ordinary

“Team” and "Builders" seem to be the most common team names.

In fact, they’re so common, I often wonder if people think that they’re too boring.

Don’t get me wrong:

Boring is not a bad thing.

In fact, I think it's another way to keep it simple.

People who choose these team names like “Team” and "Builders" seem to be doing it because others are doing it.

There's nothing wrong with being original while creating your brand.


This is an important part of any network marketing company. You need to make sure you’re doing everything possible to get the best results possible.

And to do that you need to understand exactly what is going on inside your company.

And that includes making sure the team names are right.

By doing this, you can create a more unified image of your brand.